Mashed potatoes and fox news

Friday, April 10, 2009

I went to school today to take an exam. It was BAD. I probably got a C, but hopefully the curve will bump it to a B. I am going to stick with my classes for fact, when I am done with this, it's time for a little studying.

They moved Tom to a regular room last night! It's NICE too. Visitors are still limited to family. He is essentially starting rehab now, and he has a lot of work and relearning to do. It's not like he's laying bored all day. :) It's nice being able to ask him what he wants, too, from food to visitors to TV. I've been making guesses the best I can, balancing between what's best for his recovery and what I think he'd want, but to hear him pipe up with an opinion about stuff is one of the coolest things he's done, in my opinion!

I figured out how to work the TV in here. Could work it in ICU but the remote didnt work, so I had to control it from the TV. Today, the remote was working, but the volume wouldn't come up. Turned out I was incompetent, and his nurse showed me how to do it. They brought him lunch, so I woke him up from a good nap to eat a little bit. He lasted through about 10 bites before he was tired again.

I think this must be the same exact size of room, because these floors all have the same layout, but without the huge columns in there that power the ICU equipment are gone, so it seems much larger in here. I LOVE IT. It could've been a lot worse. There was a possibility that we'd end up in a shared room in the 70-yr-old building. I was a little spoiled by our ICU room and wasn't sure how I'd like the shared one. I kept thinking surely they wouldn't put a TBI patient in a shared room, especially when they still have their fuzzy moments! That could be so scary waking up with strangers around.

Anyway, we're having a great day over here. My dad will come crash overnight to make sure he's taken good care of. :)


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